How to Save Your Child From Medical Errors
If your child needs to be admitted in hospital, choose one in which greater number of children are being treated for disease. Surveys show that hospitals who deal in certain diseases specifically are more capable of providing desirable results as compared to others.
While every year millions and billions of people worldwide entrust their lives into the hands of their doctors and their recommended medical procedures and treatments, there is still a huge ratio of medical errors that cost many people their lives or other serious health damages. These errors are more commonly found in child care hospitals as the complex medical procedures make it difficult to keep a track of a great number of infants or young ones who are generally unaware and uninformed of their condition or treatments. For this reason, if you are a parent then it is highly recommended that you have a firm knowledge of your doctor and his practicing methods and treatment of choice before gambling with your child’s life.
Take active part in your child’s health care and important health related decisions. This reduces the chances of errors or misunderstandings.
When your child is in hospital keep a close guard on him and his medications, their timings and their effects. Moreover, most hospitals offer an identification bracelet to their patients. Make sure that your child is wearing it so as to avoid any confusions and mishaps.
Keep your child’s doctor well informed about his medicines and supplements. An up-to-date doctor will be more apt to understand your child’s condition and may also make a few changes in his prescription over time. For this, you need to keep your child’s record up-dated and also properly organized. Every time you visit the doctor, carry along all the current medication, herbs and vitamins that the child is consuming.
While most parents actively participate in their child’s health care program, they do sometimes tend to ignore the importance of allergies. If your child suffers from certain allergies then make sure that his doctor is fully aware of his nature. This will not only guide your doctor well in his treatment but will also prevent your child from consuming medicines that might actually produce unfavorable reactions in the body and cause him sufficient harm.
Whatever medications your child consumes, keep a firm written record of its possible side-effects. While most of these side-effects may not be severe, there are some that can cause considerable discomfort to the child and hence having pre-knowledge of it helps you better prepare yourself and your child on how to deal with it.
When your child is being discharged from the hospital, ask his doctor about all the necessary steps and precautions and treatment plans. This will help you better understand how to look after your child and protect his health.