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Quitting Smoking for a Longer & Healthier life

Smoking is one of the worst health damaging habits that one can adopt. Surprisingly, this health hazard is spreading at a faster rate than ever. Thanks to the multitude of TV commercials that promote smoking to be “cool”, more and more teenagers and young adults are being drawn towards this activity. What most people tend to ignore is the fact that cigarettes are increasingly becoming the number one killers worldwide. It’s not just the nicotine and lung cancer but the various other problems that arise due to excessive smoking such as increased risks for heart diseases, cardiac arrests, increased blood pressures and many others.

If you are an ardent smoker then you have probably spent hundreds of dollars on your own health disaster. The reason why most quitters find it hard to quit, despite being aware of all the set backs and dangers of smoking is addiction. The nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive and most people find themselves relaxed by considerable degrees when they smoke.

The good news is that with the upcoming technologies and gadgets that have been specially engineered for smokers, quitting smoking has never been easier.

All you need is a firm determination and will to attain a better health and improved lifestyle. Following are few tips and techniques that will surely help you through the process of quitting.

Quitting smoking is not a matter of hours. Once you have decided to quit, gradually decrease your cigarette purchasing. Instead of buying cartons buy one or two packs and bring yourself to smoking a cigarette a day. Giving your body time to adjust to this change will definitely yield results that are more long lasting without you craving for more every minute or even second.

Instead of cigarette break at work, opt for other options that keep you active and busy. Chat with colleagues or munch on a few carrots. Even better, enjoy some solitude in your cabin and engage in a solitaire game on your pc. This will surely refresh you more than a dose of nicotine.

Every time you get hit by a craving, brew some herbal tea for yourself. Not only is this a much healthier alternative, but the slow intake of warm herbal tea will reduce your stress levels by almost the same amount as a cigarette.

Go nuts about smoking! Simply put, replace every cigarette you consume with four nuts. This delicious snack is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and will unquestionably improve your mood by several degrees.

Every time your resolution falters and you reach for a cigarette pack, think about the danger you are exposing yourself to. Smoking is responsible for one out of every five deaths. This includes 29% of all deaths caused by cancer out of which 87% are the painful deaths caused by lung cancer and the other 20% are caused by cardio vascular diseases. Research has shown that nearly half of all persistent smokers die an average of 20 to 25 years before their time.

Quitting smoking will not only help you live longer but a lot healthier and happier. You will have more energy to do your chores and perform your duties and will even save more money.

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